In the purpose to Get amazed, Find our way, Inspire others, we are ready to do a lot of things!
Providing support to a NGO in Africa, making video documentaries about sailors, taking part in scientific mission for Ifremer or sharing our knowledge about sailing... We are not afraid of anything!
Our initiatives are carefully chosen to ensure a balance during the expedition. Objective is to carry out at least one initiative for each destination. Some are well planned in advance, others will be initiated during our journey.
3 fields for our initiatives
We think that acting in those three fields in a balanced way will help us reaching our main objectives : get amazed, find our way and encourage others to undertake.
To move forward, we count on the support of our community and our coming encounters.
So talk about us! If you are or if you know people acting in social,environmental or sport fields, don't hesitate to get in touch with us