Experience sharing and learning about the expedition
Scool year 2016-2017
2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th years of Hubert Latham primary school
Boat visit in April 2016 with children and monthly communication with the crew during all the school year. Some parts of their studying program will be related to our adventures.
We have met the primary school kids of Sangatte on march 16th 2016 in their classroom. An overview of the project has been given and we have answered many relevant questions!
When they visited the boat end of march, we took them for a tour and played some little games around the boat. The purpose was to discover what are the main functionalities of a sailing boat, what are the safety equipments, how do we actually live on a daily basis inside and many other topics.
The kids where extremely interested and tackled a lot of topics.
Next contact is on departure!